There are various scenarios where you would need to convert a list in python to a string. We will look into each of these scenarios in depth.
Lists are one of the four built-in data types in Python. A list is a data type in Python and is a collection of items that contain elements of multiple data types.
The elements of the list can be converted to a string by either of the following methods:
- Using join() method
- Using List Comprehension
- Iterating using for loop
- Using map() method
Program to convert a list to string in Python
Using join() method
The join() method takes all items in an iterable and joins each element of an iterable (such as list, string, and tuple) into one concatenated string.
If the iterable contains any non-string values, it raises a TypeError exception.
Syntax: string.join(iterable)
# Python convert list to string using join() method
# Function to convert
def listToString(items):
# initialize an empty string
str1 = ""
return (str1.join(s))
# Main code
s= ['Life', 'is', 'Beautiful']
# Output LifeisBeautiful
Using List Comprehension
List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists and will traverse the elements, and with the join() method, we can concatenate the elements of the list in python into a new string.
# Python convert list to string using list comprehension
s = ['Its', 4, 'am', 'in', 'america']
# using list comprehension
listToStr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in s])
# Output Its 4 am in america
Iterating using for loop
Iterating using for loop is a simple technique used in many programming languages to iterate over the elements in the list and concatenate each item to a new empty string.
# Python program to convert a list to string
# Function to convert
def listToString(s):
# initialize an empty string
str1 = “”
# traverse in the string
for ele in s:
str1 += ele
# return string
return str1
# Main code
str= ['Life', 'is', 'Beautiful']
# Output LifeisBeautiful
Using map() method
Python’s map() is a built-in function that allows you to process and transform all the items in an iterable without using an explicit for loop.
# Python program to convert a list to string using list comprehension
s= ['Life', 'is', 'Beautiful']
# using list comprehension
listToStr = ' '.join(map(str, s))
# Output Life is Beautiful